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Friday, March 30, 2012

Think different !!

Attached below a screen-shot from Reuters website with stock price changes (as %) in last 5 years, of 6 marquee companies (RIM, NOKIA,HP,DELL,SONY,KODAK).

  • These companies together were representing 3 important industries
    • Mobiles,
    • Computers
    • and cameras
  • 5 years back they were leaders in their category.
  • The stock price of each one of them has dropped steeply for most of them in last 5 years..
Some would think that this means that these key industries had some sort of a crisis lately

Now the same screenshot with one additional company.


Notice the change in scale of the chart. These companies got APPLED !!! in 5 years Apple changed these industries.

We know the story of Steve Jobs, he was cofounder of Apple way back in 1976 and later in 1985 he lost major stack in Apple and quit the same company which he created so passionately. After quitting he founded NeXT and Pixer. Later Pixer was sold to Disney and Apple acquired NeXT in 1996 and as part of the same deal Steve joined back Apple. In 1997 he was appointed interim CEO of the company and in the same year Apple launched "Think Different" advertisement slogan.

Following is the rare video where he had launched "Think Different" commercial:

Now after seeing this video you can correlate what kind of passionate person he was, who was focused for his fundamental and core and never given up that attitude and slowly and steadily he has changed the way computing is done in this world.

In an interview reported ask Steve Jobs, is there goal to overtake PC market share?
On that he responded; "Our goal is to create Best personal computers in the world and the products which we are Proud to sell and would recommend to our family and friends"

Following are the few more details to show the progress of apple so far
  • Apple is the 3rd largest mobile manufacturer in world.... not smart phones alone , any mobile !!, see the Dark Blue line.

        *each dot represent one quarter.

  • Apple stock is trading, as on today, at 617$, which is higher compare at any market standard.
  • Apple market value is over 500 Billion Dollar only few company in world has achieved this so far like GE, Microsoft, Cisco, Intel.
  • Apple cash reserve is ~100 b$, higher then GDP of few country of in the world namely Iraq, Cuba, Angola, Libya Sudan, Syria, Ecuador etc.
  • Apple iTunes store remade the way music business in digital era
Now Fortune Magazine named Steve Paul Job as the greatest entrepreneur of our time.

So where do you want to be 5 years from now ?? 

Just "Think Differently"


Monday, July 25, 2011

Dare to Dream

Some people dream of doing big and these dream always stay with them however some actually make it reality, even if they face enormous challenges. I happen to meet such personality during a seminar. I was invited to attend seminar of Marl Inglis, a mountaineer and motivational speaker. Mark lost his both legs due to frostbite while he was trapped on Mount Cook in New Zealand for almost 14 days and he survived with 4 cookies along with his friend. He able to came out from that and climbed Mount Cook again in 2002 and later Mount Everest in 2006 and become world's first double amputee to climb Mount Everest. His climb and struggle was video by Discovery channel movie "Everest: Beyond the limit".
His journey was not easy to conquer his dream, as fist challenge was to have prosthetic leg not for walking but for climbing the mountain he tried and failed tried and failed but he was stubborn so he never given up and finally he along with his friend able to create carbon fiber leg that helped him to scale the Everest. On his Mount Everest expedition he donated one pair of similar legs to a Sherpa name Teelay who lost his leg same way as Mark.
During interaction I asked about David Sharp a British climber who left to die on Everest in that season which created controversy and Mark was linked to his death. Mark said "Only who never been on Everest created this story", on my asking even Sir Edmund Hillary condemned all including Mark on that Mark said "he was 87 and he was never told complete story". I can only say it was wrong to link David Sharp death with him as more then 30 + climbers passed by David Sharp and no one could have saved him.
He is Mountain biker and created special leg for mountain biking. He ride single gear steel frame bike and I was surprised. He promised to share his bike picture. I have offered to host him for Mountain biking experience he said not this time may by some other time. I found him a humble and jolly person. He shared advantage of having prosthetic leg on example he had said "if I break my leg I can fix it in less than an hour however you will not J "

Great honor to interact with such personality !!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Handle audits smartly

Last one month I have been busy with internal/external audits. During this audit I have learned many things which I thought of writing it down.

I am working as head of IT services from almost 4 years, and during this tenure I have been working on various initiatives to shape up the IT Services operations. I have seen many challenges however recent audits have given good learning. Here I am not going to talk about the audit findings however surly will touch upon some of the key lessons.

  1. Never take any audit lighter – think twice before responding to any audit, you never know where this would create an issue.
  2. Mock Audit- Conduct a mock audit drill before the actual audit. This is another tool to ensure your audit is not going out of control and you know in advance what potential findings are.
  3. PDCA- in IT services there are 4 departments and their responsibilities is ensure process and procedure are followed and documented properly. Individual team has created excellent, to the point process and efficiently delegated to the outsourced worker however they missed important part of delegation i.e. monitoring, in believe that outsourced partner are doing good and they will manage it well. During audit it was found very basic hygiene things were missing because monitoring was done on very high level not at each process level. I have learned we are too good in "D" that is delegation however very poor in monitoring. So have detail monitor plan with checklist in place and divide it in daily, weekly, and monthly dashboard.
  4. Single face and team confidence on him. – never give a person name who has very low bonding in team
  5. Providing correct data- source of data is big reason for audit findings and if data is not correct it add confusion which leads to lot to misunderstanding and eventually lead to some findings.
  6. Be punctual and meet commitment- Never let auditor wait be on or before time give auditor comfort let him not make any perceptions of your or department.
  7. Don't defend it if you know you are not right- some time you stuck in very thin line of right and wrong, generally auditor give benefit of doubts to auditee only if your aura has given him comfort otherwise be ready to take it from Auditor.
  8. Team spirit- Acting and responding as a team to auditor is one important aspect. Help audit coordinator by providing specific information on time is important instead of passing the buck or thinking its coordinator responsibility to mange this.
  9. Draw the boundary – define the role and responsibilities very clearly for audit and ensure all are in sync with this will help to reduce confusion
  10. Correct management response - If you disagree with a finding, make sure to clearly state your objections and your measurement of the risk
  11. Look for opportunity to improve further- end of the objective of audits is to ensure control are well in placed and are adhered if you find opportunity to improve further don't hesitate to pick it up.

    Your comments are welcome!!



    May 26, 2011

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Don’t hit the wall; have proper nutrition

In morning, I always feel good to take any plan running or ridding however today I hit the wall just after 30 minutes of running I had to stop for recovery, no doubt program was intense however there was fundamentally something wrong.
Upon analyzing, I realized, I am overdoing run that too on road, most probably that created stiff muscle and I have not recovered from properly before my next run. Secondly, I realized proper diet is missing from my meal like carbohydrate, proteins etc. Therefore, I searched the net and found below interesting article, I am sure this might be useful for other too.

Cheers !!

Guidelines for what to eat and drink before and after exercise used to be as simple as "have a snack" or "grab a water bottle." Times have changed. Today, experts know that properly timed pre- and post-workout meals build lean muscle, improve performance, speed recovery, and even help you lose weight.
When to Eat
"Thirty to 60 minutes before and after exercise is the ideal time for snacks," says Danielle LaFata, a registered dietician and performance nutritionist at Athletes' Performance. Simply put, training requires energy; following a challenging workout, your energy is zapped, your muscles taxed. Your body is in a state of total breakdown, or what exercise scientists refer to as "catabolic." To reverse to an "anabolic," or rebuilding state, you need to refuel (eat) and rehydrate (drink). "The quicker you do this, the better," says LaFata. You'll preserve hard-earned muscle and kickstart the recovery process.
What you eat depends on many factors, which we'll discuss below, but just know that eating something during this window of time is critical—even if you're looking to lose weight. While it may sound strange to add more snacks, or meals, to your day to trim down, the key is to spread your calories throughout the day. So, you aren't taking in more calories, you're just eating more often and more strategically. By eating before exercise, you'll have energy for a productive workout. As a result, you'll burn more calories during your session.
While a pre-workout snack is sufficient for workouts under an hour, training sessions lasting more than 60 minutes require more energy to avoid fatiguing early. This means eating during the workout, too. "Grab a sports gel every 45 minutes, and then drink water the rest of the workout," advises Amanda Carlson, director of performance nutrition at Athletes' Performance.
How it Works
If you've ever felt like you hit a wall mid-workout, it was likely because your body was low on energy, or what we like to call "fuel." Your body primarily uses carbohydrates for energy during exercise. Sure, you have energy stored from previous meals, but your pre-workout meal tops off your fuel tank, so to speak, so you won't sputter out halfway through your training session.
By the time your workout is over, your body is spent. Here's what happens:
  • An intense workout creates tiny tears within your muscles cells and exhausts your energy supply.
  • Waste products like lactic acid can build up in your muscles, causing fatigue.
  • Levels of insulin and testosterone, your body's main muscle-building hormones, tend to decrease.
It may sound strange to hear about your body being under siege because of exercise. But think of it this way: Like any challenge in life, it's your ability to bounce back that makes you stronger. Exercise is no different. To repair itself, your body needs fluids, nutrients, minerals and vitamins.
The good news: There's no better time to eat than within the first 30 minutes following a workout. Exercise stimulates your muscle cells, making them more receptive to insulin. Eating carbohydrates causes insulin levels to spike, which helps move your body into the desired anabolic state. Like a speedy messenger, the insulin drives nutrients from the blood to your muscles. The carbohydrates and protein in particular then spur on the muscle-building process.
In other words, exercise improves your body's ability to deliver much-needed energy and nutrients where you need them most. "If you don't take advantage of the 30-minute window to refuel," says LaFata, "the body won't recover as quickly, immunity will be suppressed, and your ability to build lean muscle will be reduced."
What to Eat
While the research is fairly complex, the take-home menu is actually quite simple. Studies show that a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio of carbohydrates to protein is best, depending on the intensity and duration of your workout. For a short, low to medium intensity workout, a 2:1 ratio is enough. But for longer, harder runs, aim for a 3:1 or 4:1 ratio—you'll need the extra carbohydrates to help refuel your depleted energy stores.
Keeping those ratios in mind, aim for a combination of 15-30 grams of protein and 30-120 grams of carbohydrates before and after your workout. You'll boost energy levels to stay sharp, both mentally and physically, throughout even the toughest of workouts—and you'll recover better afterward.
As you've heard before from miCoach, every runner is unique. Training needs differ, as do your nutritional needs based on factors such as age, fitness, body size and goals. What follows is a basic set of guidelines, courtesy of the performance nutritionists at Athletes' Performance.
Using the chart, select appropriate pre- and post-workout snacks based on your weight and the intensity of your workout. Don't feel constrained to these options. They're simply meant to be ideas to help you get stared and inspire your inner performance chef. Keep in mind that calorie counts vary, so take your overall daily calorie intake into consideration when choosing your workout nutrition. Bon appétit!
120 - 150 lbsEasy to Medium (mostly blue and green zones)Meal replacement bar (10-20g protein, 20-60g carbs)
OR 1/2 cup cooked rolled oats with 10 grams whey protein
  Harder (yellow and red zones)1/2 cup dry quinoa, 2 ounces chicken
OR 2 slices whole grain toast, 3 ounces deli meat
151 - 180 lbsEasy to Medium (mostly blue and green zones)1 cup whole grain cereal (1-3 g fiber per serving), 1 cup low-fat Greek yogurt 
OR 1 whole wheat tortilla, 1/2 cup beans, 1/4 cup salsa, 1 oz part skim mozzarella cheese
  Harder (yellow and red zones)1/2 cup Asian soba noodles, ½ cup sea vegetables, 3 oz tofu
OR 1  1/2 cups whole grain cereal (1-3 g fiber per serving), 1 cup 1% milk
181 - 215 lbsEasy to Medium (mostly blue and green zones)1 1/2 ounce pasta, 3 ounces grilled chicken
OR 16 ounces 100% fruit juice with 1 scoop whey protein
  Harder (yellow and red zones)2 slices whole wheat bread, 2 tbsp natural peanut butter, 1 medium banana, 6 ounces low-fat chocolate milk
OR 2 cups whole grain cereal (1-3 g fiber per serving), 1 cup low-fat Greek yogurt 
216 - 245 lbsEasy to Medium (mostly blue and green zones)1 1/2 cups yellow or brown rice, 3 ounces lean meat
OR 1/2 package frozen chicken stir fry
  Harder (yellow and red zones)Turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread with a banana
OR 5 ounces grilled chicken, 2 cups whole wheat pasta, 1/2 cup marinara sauce

About the Author(s)
The author(s) is an accomplished trainer at Core Performance, the world's premier sports training organization. Core Performance has partnered with adidas to create the coaching behind miCoach. Learn more at

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Joy of Running

Joy of Running, that would be right name for Airtel Delhi Half Marathon, which held on Nov 21st at Delhi. Over 30000 runners from Delhi and around came in on fine Sunday morning. It was perfect weather to run long distance race.

Airtel Delhi Half Marathon is now annual affair like rituals for most of us that include Dickie, Susheel, Prem, Darvesh too. However, for this run Dickie not able to make it because of his personal commitment at home in Ranchi to take care her Mom. I personally inspire by him since he love to run but did not because of he has given priority what he felt is right. On other side my wife Rupinder and Rina, Susheel wife also run Great Delhi Run, which was fantastic.

Every time it is detail planning from evening dinner to morning breakfast to travel plan. Transport is one thing which need coordination with most of the people since this require greater coordination with all. This time responsibility of taking everyone to venue had given to Susheel, since he own big car to accommodate everyone and for ladies, whose event was starting late, it was decided to take a cab to drop them at venue and on return, and they can come along with us in same car.

We started on time and on the way to venue we picked up new runner Kanishk, who was running marathon first time; however we reached the venue post the race started, as there was big queue due to security check.

Prem ,as usual run very fast and I lost him in beginning itself, even Susheel started bit early however I started late as I had not got chance to stretch so took bit time to start the race. I had started slow and slowly picked up my pace and finished the race in 1:53 hr. I was expecting to finish the race in less than 2 hour and I did that. I was not expecting great timing since I was not running from some time and few days earlier of this event, I was even not sure if I will be able to finish this marathon or not as I was down with viral and before that some other medical complexity. However now after finishing it is refreshing moment. Prem did it very well so what Darvesh. Susheel took bit time but he able to finish the run very well without any pain or injury.

This event is like annual affair met lot of old and new pal that include Karishma, Amit, Percy, Rahul, Tanvir, Nitin, Tejpal, Sameer, Veer, Suresh Amita and many more..

This time I train only for 14 days and which I think not good, as there is always chance of injury if you run long distance without proper training. However, to my surprise I did well. Now when I look back and I found I did certain change in my training pattern as listed below. Most of things are common however generally we skip while we train our self but I tried to follow these and I feel these all helped me.

  1. I have not exerted myself during my training, I had run only one long run of 2 hours but I did lots of small run.
  2. I eat lots of carbohydrate that include Porridge, Oats, Bread and had lot of water intake to avoid dehydration
  3. Post and prior to run I used to do stretching without any fail.
  4. In my routine, I have added yoga too; I use to do Sun Solicitation and "Pranayam" (Breathing technique).
  5. I tried to choose my best ft attire that includes shoes, T and shorts.
  6. I had worked on speed training too; few runs were with good pace ( I think J ) of 5:15 to 5:45 minute/Km pace.
  7. I also used special coach to train myself that is my cell phone loaded with MiCoach apps from Adidas. This is fabulous application with GPS and gives you all detail of the workout including cal burned, distance covered, your speed etc and it worked as coach to improve your performance.

Now I am gearing up for Chandigarh and Pondi Half Marathon, let us see how well I do in there..

Parvinder 22/11/2011

Friday, October 15, 2010

One another day in Metro train with my folding bike.

Aha what a day, it was perfect day to travel. You will ask why, answer is very simple, complete Delhi was closed as cete Delhi was closed for CWG closing function.

As usual, I left for office bit early on my folding bike and took metro from Hauz Khas, to my surprise metro train was not full at all and luckily I got seat too, which generally rare to get seat.

Daily in Metro, I get too many inquiries and people ask too many questions while boarding the train or folding and unfolding the bike.

Is this kid’s bike?

How much it cost you.

Who is the dealer?

Is it available in Delhi?

Is it allowed, to carry in metro?

Is it a sports bike?

Why do you use it?

Does doctor recommended you to ride bike.

Oh too many question, but I always happy to answer them, some are amused to see the bike, some just laugh or smile and some appreciate and praise the initiative.

Today post lunch I came to know Venket is in town, so I decided to meet him along with Dickie. It was plan to meet him in Paharganj hotel, where he was staying.

Let me introduce Venkat alias Venkky. Venkky is a bike dealer in Bangalore and he sales various kid of bikes. He also sale bikes components and its accessories. Even though he is in Bangalore but be I s good in delivering bikes components anywhere in the country , good part is you get accessories in best possible prices.

So I left office and used metro train and got out from Rajiv chowk. This was the first time when I was using my folding bike in different station, not in my usual station so this was the time when I want to ensure security guys are familiar with folding bike in metro and if they see this with some other guys they should not stop him/her. Therefore, I decided to spend time with security before getting out of the station. I smiled and asked general question and inquired about where is paharganj? Is it right exit point? And etc.. I was sure they will notice my bike and they will ask question and they asked, “aap iss le kar metro mai kaise jate hain?” (how do you take this bike into metro?), this is very easy, I said. I am travelling on this bike for office going. I fold it in metro it does not take much space easy to carry and it has very less weight. So I asked please hold it and see. They all smiled and happy to see new toy :)

As soon I got out from station I saw Dickie waiting for me on his bike, he was enjoying closing ceremony of Common wealth game on large display in center circle. We reached to Venky hotel met him and brought lubricant, arm warmer, disk break, water bottles and few more stuff. This was first time I met Venkat and I found he is a wonderful person.

After some time we left his hotel. I took call to go in Metro as I want promote folding bike and metro combination and want to ensure security and other public see this combination and some inspired to do the same. Dickie left on his bike to home.

I met same security men those have met while going out from Metro station and they were happy to see me. This time they did not asked any question. I board the train, got out at center Secretariat for changing the metro train for violet line, and reached to Kalkaji. Complete experience was excellent.. One another successful day I spend in commuting in Metro with folding bike. Things are working now.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

CWG and Jokes

There is no if and but; Common Wealth Games opening ceromony was a succesful event. Lots of restless efforts were put in to make cwg a successful event, from school kids to a laborer from OC to the beuracrates and list goes on. However there is anoher set of peopel thoes have worked hard in creating all witty jokes on CWG and made all of us laugh, here is the collection of the the same.
Terrorists set to skip CWG 2010 citing unlivable conditions and fear for their safety.

"Compromise proposal for Ayodhya: Let the Hindus construct a temple, but the project must be led by Kalmadi."
The truth behind bulk sms banning is to stop kalmadi jokes and not Ayodhya

Q: How many contractors are required to change a light bulb in Delhi CWG stadium?

A: 1 Million. (1 to change bulb and rest 999,999 to hold the ceiling)

Look at the brighter side; the more countries pull out, the higher India is ranked in the final medalist tally.

Whats common between CWG committee and students???

Ans: both start their preparations at the 11th hour.....

"Ba ba Kalmadi, have you any shame. No sir, No sir, we are having a Common Loot Game. Crores for my partner, crores for the dame, crores for me too, for spoiling India's name!"

Thanks to Guernsey and Jersey for threatening to pull out of games! We now know these countries existed!

"A collapse a day keeps the athletes away," .

"Sheila Dixit to Kalmadi: Delhi badnaam hui darling tere liye!" "Sadkein bhi jam hui, CWG tere liye".

"Suresh Kalmadi must be the first choice if ISRO goes for trial and error experiments for manned space mission,".

"Suresh Kalmadi walked into a bar. The bartender was still spraying pesticides over the barley plants. It was the best bar ever,"

"Rain rain go away, Kalmadi wants to come out and play. Lyrics by M S Gill, Sung by Mani Shankar Aiyar, Music by A R Rahman!"

"AMAZING BUT TRUE: If you re-arrange the letters "Sir U made lakhs" you get "SURESH KALMADI"!!!

"Sarah Palin knows more about world politics than Lalit Bhanot about hygiene," .

Kalmadi is not the only one dominating the cyberspace. He has CWG Organising Committee Secretary General Lalit Bhanot as competition. Thanks to his "They (foreigners) have different standards of hygiene from us (Indian)" comment, the tweeting population is gloriously doubting his hygiene standards.

"Gill calling himself a sports lover is like Shiney Ahuja declaring himself to be a feminist,".